Life on Greek Row: A Guide to Living in a Sorority House

10933857_939917739354858_4472895727288500839_nAs a member of a sorority you will most likely have an opportunity at some point to move into your chapters house.  And if that opportunity comes along I highly recommend that you take advantage of it.  For my Sophomore year I was originally planning on living somewhere else on campus in a more traditional dorm style.  But after receiving a phone call saying that a spot had opened up in the house and it was being offered to me I jumped at the chance and never looked back.  I’ve had many great experiences during my time here at High Point both inside and outside the Greek System, but this was by far one of the best experiences that I’ve had so far. I moved into the house not knowing many of the sisters that I was living with, and by of Sophomore year I had made so many friends.  Because of how big my chapter is I’m not sure that I would have had the opportunity to become friends with those girls had I not lived with them that year.

The atmosphere of a sorority house is indescribable and unique, something that you will not find anyone else.  It’s fun, exciting, and ever changing.  It is never boring, and is constantly filled with laughter.  Even now when I walk into my sorority’s house I think of all of the wonderful and amazing memories that I created during the year that I got to call that house my actual home.  The couch in the living room was where you could always find me during the late afternoon when Ellen came on at 4 o’clock, and I was most likely taking a nap.  Every time I go into the kitchen I can’t help but laugh when I look at the microwave and remember the time that I almost blew it up accidentally while trying to make Mac and Cheese.  The room upstairs all the way to the left was where two of my friends lived, and where you could always find me hanging out or doing homework.  That house was where so many life events took place.  I got the phone call to officially be a Big Sister, and spent countless hours crafting Pinterest worthy crafts for her.  So many late night Cookout runs, random dance parties, and countless other priceless memories were created while living in the house.

Long story short, if you’re in a sorority you should try living in your chapter house.  I promise that you won’t regret it.

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