When Sorority Girls Turn Into Zombies: A Guide to Recruitment Exhaustion

310316_585237224822913_82954330_nWith Bid Day officially being behind us I think I speak for every sorority girl on the High Point campus with this statement: we are absolutely EXHAUSTED.  Even the word exhausted doesn’t seem to cover just how tired we all really are.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Bid Day and Recruitment.  It’s just that after Bid Day I have to suppress the urge to hibernate in my room for a week living off of chocolate and Netflix.  Returning back to the real world from sorority land is not an easy transition.

So what is it exactly that makes us so tired you ask? And more importantly if we’re so tired than why do we subject ourselves to it?  Let me explain.

For those that don’t know, Formal Recruitment is the process that every sorority goes through each year.  On our campus we have our Formal Recruitment during the first two weekends of the Spring semester.  We invite girls that are hoping to join a sorority to come to our house where we throw “parties”.  And when I say parties I don’t mean that there’s blaring music with food and alcohol.  Recruitment parties are basically just sessions of talking to different girls and getting to know them.  It helps us to determine which girls we think will fit in best with us.  And while getting to know new people is fun it is equally tiring.  We have at minimum 6 parties, and maximum 8 parties a day.  We also have to get to our respective houses early to make sure that everything is set up, and then clean up everything afterwards.  I’ll save you the trouble of doing all the math to figure out just who long that all takes.  An average Recruitment day for a sorority member is anywhere between 12-16 hours.  And when you do that repeatedly for multiple days in a row you slowly feel like you are starting to turn into a zombie that is sleep deprived.

I know that sounds like a lot of complaining, but now I’ll explain just why it’s all worth it.

I love my sorority more than anything.  There are very few sorority girls that you will talk to throughout your life that will say that they do not like their sorority.  So because of our love every year each chapter goes through the Recruitment process with the hope that by the end we will have a new group of girls that love it just as much as we do.  Girls that we can call our sisters and teach them how to love our chapter even more than we already do.  I have met most of my best friends through my sorority and I can’t imagine what my life would be like if me or one of my friends decided not to go through Recruitment.

So basically, yes Recruitment is exhausting.  And yes, it is a lot of work.  But in the end it is all worth it, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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