You Paid How Much?!: A Guide to the Lilly Pulitzer Target Sale

As many of you have probably heard, Lilly Pulitzer put out a line of clothing, accessories, and various other items to be sold at Target on April 19th.  And to say it was a eventful would be an understatement.

For those unaware, Lilly Pulitzer is a brand known for being preppy, colorful, and not for those with a small budget.  So when the self proclaimed “Lilly lover” fans found out that there was going to be items that were significantly less costly for a period of time at Target the internet lit up with people’s reactions.  The anticipation built up for over a month, and then finally on April 19th the doors to Target opened.

The lines looked something like this…

Lilly Pulitzer For Target Pop-up Shop Activation

Once inside customers were reported to be frantically grabbing any and all Lilly items.  Some Target stores were supposedly sold out of every single Lilly Pulitzer item within 10 MINUTES of the store opening.  And it’s not hard to believe once you see pictures like this as proof of how many of the customers were shopping.


Many people were upset by how fast all of the merchandise sold out across the country.  And many customers took to social media to express their discontent on the subject. But the Lilly for Target debacle did not end there.  As the day progressed people starting realizing that the Lilly items specifically sold at Target were being put up on Ebay.  And while normally this would not bother people, they quickly began to realize that the sellers of the items were severely up charging the items.  Clothing that was originally bought for $36 was now being sold for $120 simply because of the brand name.

People became increasing outraged.  Many loyal customers argued that the whole point of Lilly Pulitzer being sold at Target was to make the normally pricey brand affordable for more people to buy.  While the whole idea of selling Lilly at Target seemed like a good idea to begin with it clearly proved to not work out as people had hoped in the end.

So what do you think. Was the Lilly for Target sale a success? Or a disappointment?

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